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NLP in Chiang Mai, Thailand

NLP therapy for inner integration

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapy is a powerful approach to personal development and communication that has helped countless individuals unlock their full potential. By understanding and modifying thought patterns and mental processes, NLP allows us to reshape our lives and achieve our goals. If you're looking for a powerful way to create lasting change, consider NLP therapy.

What is NLP?

NLP was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who sought to understand the underlying structure of human excellence. They studied successful individuals from various fields, identifying patterns of thought, behaviour, and communication that contributed to their success. By modelling these patterns, Bandler and Grinder believed that anyone could learn to replicate the same success in their own lives.

The structure of excellence

Bandler and Grinder's research revealed striking similarities in how successful individuals represent reality, think, and feel. They discovered that top performers, regardless of their field, tend to visualise success, maintain a strong belief in their abilities, and approach problems with confidence and a solution-focused mindset.

NLP as a tool for therapy

Bandler and Grinder examined various forms of therapy to identify techniques that could empower individuals to make rapid and lasting changes. A key influence was the work of Milton Erickson, a pioneer in hypnotherapy. In their book, "Frogs into Princes," Bandler and Grinder introduced many of their findings, shedding light on how our mental models of the world can be altered to facilitate change.

The world of NLP gave birth to many therapy techniques that can be used either with or without hypnosis. These techniques make use of the relationship between language, thought, and emotion to change thought patterns, which in turn can transform our emotions and behaviours.

When perceptions change, emotions change. When emotions change, behaviour changes. When your behaviour changes, the world around you will change as well.

NLP therapy techniques can be used to work directly with the structure of emotion in the mind, affording a rapid way to deconstruct negative feelings and to create positive feelings in their place.

The meta model

The meta-model, derived from the study of Noam Chomsky's language patterns, provides a framework for asking precise questions during a counselling session, helping people to gain new perspectives on the challenge in their lives.

How NLP techniques are used in hypnotherapy

In many ways, NLP and hypnotherapy have become intertwined, as each discipline borrows knowledge and techniques from the other.

NLP therapy techniques can help you to resolve inner conflicts, heal traumas, overcome limitations, and build confidence.

NLP techniques can be highly effective when used in conjunction with hypnotherapy. By accessing deeper states of suggestibility, NLP techniques can create even more powerful and lasting change in the subconscious mind.

Learning new ways to think and feel

One of the most exciting aspects of NLP is its ability to teach anyone new ways of thinking and feeling. By modelling the thought processes and emotional patterns of successful individuals, NLP allows us to retrain our minds, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace a more empowered, resourceful mindset.

Experience the Transformational Power of NLP in Chiang Mai, Thailand

If you're ready to heal from the past, reshape your life, and achieve your goals, NLP in Chiang Mai, Thailand, may be the perfect solution for you.

Please click the button below to book a free introduction call today.

Nicholas Harris: Pioneering Emotional Healing

I am an Integrative Cognitive Therapist who has created a unique form of therapy that unifies my life studies - Artificial Intelligence, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Tibetan Buddhism.

I believe that every emotion is created in the mind and can be healed with the mind. My therapeutic specialities are healing trauma and relationship therapy.

I offer in person therapy sessions from The Chiang Mai Wellness Centre and Chiva Som, a world class health resort. Online session are also available, making this work available to everyone.

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