Discover the power of your subconscious mind

Hi, my name’s Nicholas Harris, and I’d like to tell you something important. Your mind is amazing. In fact, your mind is one of the most powerful tools in the world. And like any powerful tool, it’s really important to learn how to use it properly.

So imagine it like this, imagine your mind is like a dark room, inside that dark room is the memory of every single thing that ever happened, because deep inside of you, you can actually remember it all. You can remember everything that happened, you can remember every thought you’ve thought, you can remember every emotion you felt, you can remember everything that everybody else did too.

person, human, child

It’s all in that dark room. It’s all inside of you.

And there’s a flashlight, a torch. That flashlight highlights one area of the room at a time. And in each moment of time, the part of the room which is highlighted is called your conscious awareness, that of which you are aware right now. The part which is not highlighted is called your unconscious, that of which you are not aware right now. And that flashlight itself is your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious mind which is always bringing information from your unconscious to your conscious and from your conscious to your unconscious, helping you to safely navigate the work. So if you want to be in control of your life, then you need to learn how to be in control of your subconscious mind, because all of us experience emotions.

In fact, I think the entire quality of our life is determined by our emotions, and a great deal of the emotions that we feel today are the result of what has not been resolved in the past.

Many people experience patterns of negative emotions, difficult feelings that arise again and again and again, difficult feelings which affect our confidence, difficult feelings which arise in our relationship, difficult feelings which influence our careers as well, many of which are actually caused by the result unresolved traumas from the past. When you learn how to work effectively with your subconsciousmind, then you’ll actually learn how to be in control of that flashlight.

When you learn how to work with your subconscious mind, it’s possible to go back to any memory in the past and to heal that trauma safely and naturally in your mind, something that I help people to do every single day in therapy sessions.

When you learn how to develop in relationship with your subconscious mind, you’re able to actually access any emotion as well.

You can heal negative feelings and create positive feelings, you can begin to create clear ways of working towards goals and you can also learn how to develop in relationship with yourself. So you’re able to work with all of the emotions that arise in your life. Because when you’re able to develop in relationship with your subconscious mind, you’re going to fundamentally create this form of inner relationship inside of you, you’re going to feel in control on an internal level, which is gonna help you to begin to feel in control of your life, because our lives are actually a reflection of our emotion.

Do you know somebody who’s really financially abundant, who just has a feeling of wealth and wellbeing, who just knows that things are going to work out who has that Midas touch where everything just turns to gold, any project just works? Do you know somebody who struggles financially, where everything that they try to do just fails again and again, and there’s a pattern of believing that failure is going to happen, of trying in the world, of experiencing things not working out, reinforcing that sense of beliefs about ourselves?

You see, all of this is actually about looking at what is happening inside of us, and looking what’s happening outside of us, and beginning to change our focus inside and learning how we can really begin to create the internal conditions that we need in order to manifest the lives that we choose to experience.

Because the world is a reflection of our emotion. And when you learn how to work with your subconscious mind, then you’re going to have the power to consciously create your life. Hypnotherapy is just one tool to do this. In fact, many different forms of personal work are different ways of working directly with the subconscious mind.

So if you would like to learn more, then please share this video, please subscribe to my channel where there are many videos about different aspects of how we can heal emotional pain with the mind.


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About Nicholas Harris

Nicholas Harris is a Full Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis and an 8th Generation Reiki Master / Teacher.

Over the last 16 years, he has helped thousands of clients with the art of personal change. The focus of Nick’s work is the use of consciousness for healing. Nick teaches “The Path of Inner Relationship”, a fresh way to heal negative emotion.

Nick views life as a reflection of the mind and challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. He helps his clients find happiness by mastering emotion.

Working internationally, Nick is the owner of the Chiang Mai Wellness Centre and consults for Chiva Som, a world-class healing resort in southern Thailand.

Nick currently works for The Chiang Mai Wellness Centre. You can read client reviews of this work here.

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